About us

He is a dedicated investor in the domestic capital market. It is the number one capital investor partner of Hungarian SMEs and large companies.

Fund Manager

Széchenyi Funds

Széchenyi Funds Ltd. has been the leading capital financing partner of Hungarian companies since 2011. Since its establishment, it has made more than 130 successful investments and 50+ profitable exits. The company, which is 100% owned by the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Óbuda University, manages over HUF 155 billion of capital through its investment programmes and has minority stakes in 80+ portfolio companies.

From 2020, the fund manager significantly expanded its previous investment opportunities, since then it has focused primarily on large corporate investments in addition to SMEs, but through Óbuda Uni Venture Capital Zrt., founded in 2023 in cooperation with Óbuda University and its joint owner, startups could also be targeted.

As a regional venture capital company, Széchenyi Funds invests in companies with promising growth potential, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe, with a view to a profitable exit after developing businesses and putting them on a long-term growth path.

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About us

Az alapkezelőről

A Széchenyi Alapok a hazai tőkepiac egyik legnagyobb és legaktívabb befektetője. Az alapkezelő több mint 150 milliárd forintos vagyont, benne 80 portfóliótársaságot kezel.

Az alapkezelő az utóbbi években a koronavírus válság ellenére is meg tudta többszörözni befektetési aktivitását megújult személyi állománya és kibővített befektetési politikája eredményeként. Fókuszába kerültek az érettebb fázisban lévő – mind az innovatív, mind a hagyományos iparágakban tevékenykedő – KKV-k mellett a pénzintézetek és a nagyvállalatok is. Az induló vállalkozásoknak pedig a hazai inkubátorokon és akcelerátorokon a tavaly meghirdetett startup programján keresztül tervez „smart money”-t biztosítani. Befektetéseinél nemcsak a várható profitabilitás, hanem a fenntarthatóság is kiemelten vizsgálandó szempont.

A Széchenyi Alapok célja, hogy nagy hozzáadott értékű vállalkozásokba fektetett tőkével hosszú távon segítse a magyar gazdaság növekedését és stabilitását.


Our partners say about us

"We believe that human resources are the most valuable asset of any company. Thanks to the Széchenyi Funds, our clients no longer have to waste talent on repetitive communication over and over again."
“We found a reliable, stable institutional investor in Széchenyi Funds. They supported us throughout the most difficult times, from the first stock market appearance to the public offering and beyond.”
Viktor Szekeres
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gloster Plc
“AutoWallis Group, the car company of the Hungarian stock exchange, has found a professional investment partner in Széchenyi Funds.”
Zsolt Müllner
Chairman of the AutoWallis Group Board

Make your business a success!

Our success is based on your success. Financing should not be an obstacle.